Recent Job Completed

Recent Repair Job Complete – Elgin, IL
1. Removed wet, damaged and deteriorated roofing
2. Removed deteriorated and damaged steel decking
3. Installed new steel decking
4. Installed new insulation
5. Torch applied new modified roof membrane

How to Achieve Your Goals

goal success
1. Make time to reflect and think. As simple as it sounds, people will routinely say they don’t have time to stop and think. But taking the time to stop and think about where you are and where you’re trying to go is important. It doesn’t have to happen daily; it can be a monthly, quarterly or even yearly exercise. Allocate this time to yourself and your thoughts. Shut off your phone, leave your normal routine, travel somewhere or simply shut the office door. Tune out the noise and get back in touch with your dreams.
2. Hold yourself accountable and write it down. Again, simple but extremely essential. Remember in school when you thought writing down all of those notes was a waste of time? Well in case it hasn’t hit you by now, it certainly wasn’t. It’s scientifically proven that we are more likely to retain information when we write it down. The same is true when it comes to your goals. Not only does this evoke a certain level of personal accountability, but I would even encourage you to take it one step further and find an accountability partner. In a recent study, 70% of participants who wrote down their goals and sent weekly updates to their selected peers reported getting them done, compared to only 35% who didn’t write them down.
3. Organize and categorize. Sometimes our own goals can seem overwhelming or disjointed, like they’re scattered all over the place. I know that this has been true with our team lately, with all of the changes we’ve encountered and opportunities we want to take advantage of. First, we needed to categorize our different goals, and give them a home. Then we needed to organize them in order of importance. You wouldn’t believe the impact this had, and how much it simplified things. What initially seemed daunting became a simplified process for each individual goal.
4. Assign deadlines. One of the most important steps in goal setting is applying a timeline. This is the backbone of your action plan, and is what keeps your goals in-tact. When you set hard deadlines, it keeps you motivated to stay focused and disciplined as you work toward your goal. Set up checkpoints along the way as well. These demonstrate whether or not progress is being made and if there are any obstacles that need to be addressed. Don’t forget, a goal without a plan is simply a wish. A comprehensive timeline gives your goals a tangible framework for achieving them.

5. Go backwards. It might sound weird, but I’ve found that working backwards can be highly beneficial. When I write down a goal, I then write down the ultimate end result that I am aiming for. Then I back into the starting point. It’s always easy to dream, but sometimes it’s not as easy to recognize all of the steps it will take to get there or what could go wrong. This is where working backwards helps me the most. Not only does it help me visualize an action plan, but it helps me identify obstacles that could deter our success early on. This is helpful for proactive planning, because I already have an idea of what can hinder the process and how to overcome it.


Source: Scott Jarred, Jarred Bunch

9 Ways to Make Sure You Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is finally upon us. It’s the perfect time to reflect on what’s happened in your life over the past 365 days. What are you most thankful for? What did you accomplish? What boxes were left unchecked?

One of the best parts about starting a new year is the ability to essentially start over – you’re walking into 2017 with a clean slate. This is why you make New Year’s resolutions, so that you can start doing all of those new things you’ve talked about or accomplish your most important goals.
Why Failure is Common
So, why do so many of us never do what we say we’re going to do? Why do we never accomplish our New Year’s resolutions? It’s not because there’s a lack of “how to” information – in fact, there’s almost an overload. Everywhere you look has tips on how to better yourself, from the extra dollar a week savings challenge to how to get killer abs in just 15 minutes a day. What we lack are tactics to help us successfully do the “how to.”
The “how,” your New Year’s resolution, is only information. It isn’t applying those resolutions to help you accomplish your goals. How you do the how to – how you go about doing your resolutions – is more important than your resolutions themselves.
9 Ways to Make Sure You Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions
Here are 9 ways to go about doing your New Year’s resolutions to make sure you accomplish them:
1. Set realistic goals. This is the number one reason why you won’t accomplish your New Year’s resolutions – you don’t set realistic goals for yourself. And you will fail because of that. Why do you think gyms start clearing out around February? When you don’t see your dream body staring back at you after the first month, it’s easy to get discouraged. But, life doesn’t come with an instant button –  achieving a goal takes time, patience, and dedication. Not only do you need to be realistic about the goals you’re setting, but break them down into smaller goals. That way you can see yourself making progress regularly.
2. Track your progress. Sometimes, your progress can be small enough that you don’t notice it. This is why using something to track your progress weekly, even daily, is helpful. For example, our digital wealth management platform, JB Wealth Builder, monitors your financial health daily. It gives you the ability to produce a picture of your complete, current financial position in real time so that you can continuously monitor your progress toward your goals.
3. Form good habits. Successful people have good habits. Unsuccessful people have bad habits. It’s just that simple. Think about the actions you take every day – are they helping you inch closer toward success, or are they keeping you stagnant, even pushing you closer to failure? The simple, mundane choices you make every day will determine where you end up. Making sure that you have good habits, that you are making choices that inch you closer to success every day is essential. At first, a new habit will feel forced. But eventually, it will become second nature and part of your daily routine.
4. Surround yourself with positive people. You’re the average of your five closest friends – physically, mentally, professionally and personally. You really do become who you associate with. This is why surrounding yourself with people who are motivated, goal oriented and have an overall positive outlook on life is important. But it doesn’t just stop with your inner circle. Think about the people you look up to, the people you idolize. Are they putting positivity out into the world? Are they motivating you to be a better person, to be successful? If not, they shouldn’t be on your list of heroes.
5. Find an accountability partner. It’s easy to hit the snooze button and miss your morning workout when you’re the only one showing up. But what if you had a trainer counting on you to be there? A friend who attended your workout classes with you? You have much more motivation to show up and work out in these instances, because you have someone besides yourself depending on you – you have someone else holding you accountable. In a recent study, 70% of participants who sent weekly goal updates to a friend reported accomplishing them. This is just one example of the positive affect from an accountability partner.
6. Hold yourself accountable. Yes, we just told you to find an accountability partner. But, what is most important is that you hold yourself accountable. A lot of people struggle with the concept of responsibility. Maybe that’s because we say it in ways that can sound negative – you know, ” grow up and take responsibility for your actions.” But it isn’t a form of blame, it’s not something to avoid. Rather, responsibility means that you are the cause of everything that happens in your life. It means that no one is responsible for your success or failure but yourself.
7. Stop, think, plan and write it down. As simple as it sounds, people will routinely say they don’t have time to stop and think. But taking the time to stop and think about where you are and where you’re trying to go is important. Then, make a plan for how you’re going to get there and write it down. Remember in school when you thought writing down all of those notes was a waste of time? Well in case it hasn’t hit you by now, it certainly wasn’t. It’s scientifically proven that you are more likely to retain information and accomplish goals when you write them down.
8. Read. Reading is one of the best ways to better yourself. Ask any successful person, and you will find that they learned much of what they practice from reading. And I’m not just talking about reading for entertainment – that’s fun, but it won’t help you grow. Mix in books focused on personal development as well. Spending just 15 minutes a day reading these kinds of books can do wonders for your mind.

9. Give yourself something to look forward to. Your resolutions should produce things for you to look forward to. These should be rewards for the effort you’re putting in. Maybe it’s a vacation since you’ve exceeded your savings goal or a shopping spree for new clothes since you’ve lost weight. When you have things to look forward to – rewards for your hard work – you’re more likely to act in a way that ensures you will accomplish what you’re working toward. Plus, doing things for yourself is essential for happy human functioning.

Source: Scott Jarred, Jarred Bunch

3 Ways That Complaining Can Make You a More Negative Person


Research suggests that most people complain once a minute during a typical conversation. In fact, the same research suggests that we complain so much, most people don’t even know they’re doing it. Our brains don’t register it as complaining, but the negative side effects compound with every complaint.

Feelings Aside...
Complaining is tempting because it causes a feel-good effect for you, the complainer. Not only does it allow you to openly express your feelings, it helps you gain justification for the way you feel from others. It also helps you establish conversations and rapport with people who may just be meeting for the first time. Don’t believe me? Think about every time you ride in an elevator with another person. How do you start conversations with them? Maybe it’s something like, “Thankfully it’s Friday, huh?”, or what about “It sure is cold out there this morning isn’t it?”. While these are typical conversation starters that make you likable, they’re also complaints. You may complain a few times before you even get off the elevator, before you even truly start your day.
While complaining may feel good, it’s just like every other thing that may feel good but not actually be good for you. It isn’t good for your overall well-being, and is actually proven to make even the peppiest of people more negative.
Three Ways Complaining Makes You More of a Negative Person
1. It actually wires your brain for negativity. Even though it’s an incredibly powerful machine, our brains don’t like to work any harder than they have to – they favor efficiency. When you complain regularly, or engage in any activity on a regular basis, your neurons branch out and connect to each other so that information can flow easier. This is a gateway for easy repetition of that behavior in the future. In this case, it means that future complaining will come easy to you. In essence, you’re literally re-wiring your brain for negativity. But it’s not just a network of negative-infused neurons that can cause problems. A study from Stanford University showed that complaining can also affect other areas of your brain, like shrinking your hippocampus. This part of the brain is important for problem solving and intelligent thought.
2. It’s bad for your health. Aside from the mental implications, complaining can also affect your health. When you complain, your body releases cortisol. This is a stress hormone that can raise your blood pressure or blood sugar. As with any type of stress, increased cortisol can cause you to feel anxious regularly, cause difficulty falling and stay asleep, regular headaches, weight gain, and impaired immune system and more. It can also make you more susceptible to high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It can even make you make more vulnerable to strokes.
3. It prompts you to surround yourself with other complainers. As humans, we like to surround ourselves with those who confirm our biases or beliefs. We like to hang out with people who think like we do. When comradery is formed through complaining, it can make you seek out more people who enjoy partaking in the activity with you, or who have the same complaints that you do. But the old saying you become who you associate with has merit here. Our brains naturally and unconsciously mimic the moods of those around us. Therefore, the more complainers you associate with, the more complaining you will participate in and the more negative you can ultimately become.
Why Does it Matter to You?
Cutting down on complaining preserves positivity and your well-being. There are two simple ways you can do that.
First, reflect on everything that you are grateful for in your life. It’s easy to just focus on the negative things happening around us. But when you stop and think about all of the good happening around you, all of the things you have to be thankful for, you’ll probably find that they far outweigh the bad. Research from the University of California, Davis found that people who take the time to focus on what they’re grateful for every day are healthier and happier than those who don’t.
Second, if you must complain, engage in solution-oriented complaining. This kind of complaint has a clear purpose behind it, and is focused on addressing a specific issue. It also starts and ends with a positive. For example, if you’re having trouble with a co-worker, try complaining to your boss in this way – “I’ve really enjoyed working with Joe over the last five years, but lately he’s missed several important deadlines without much regard for how it impacts the other members of our department. How can we address this with him so that he and I can still have a good working relationship, but we ensure that our work is done efficiently and to the highest standard?

It’s foolish to say that you can completely eliminate complaining from your life. But rather than falling victim to it on a regular basis, employ one or both of the above strategies to stifle the negativity.

Source:  Scott Jarred, Jarred Bunch

What Do Clients Look For?


In the commercial/industrial roofing industry and in many cases, the residential housing market; customers evaluate different metrics or criterion that ultimately effect and lead them to their decision on who will install the new or replaced roof system in question and what type. After a study done through a series of interviews, “Roofing Contractor” -A publisher of The International Roofing Expo, determined that clients look for these things when determining the direction they should move with their roof replacement or repair:

  1. Obtaining a durable and long lasting roof
  2. Overall life cycle
  3. Install cost in overall performance

However, to even have the opportunity to get in the door and have a conversation with a “real” decision maker, it is important for a roofer to be able to network well enough and maintain positive relationships with past clients, businesses and local organizations, so that they can receive positive recommendations and reviews that will ultimately aide in the ‘warm’ connect.

What a roofing contractor needs to win a bid:

  1. Competitive pricing (however it’s not the most important!)
  2. Recommendations from various networks and businesses or individuals
  3. Listening skills to provide the correct selection of roofing need
  4. EXPERTISE & KNOWLEDGE of a multitude of roof systems, install methods, energy savings and other associated costs
  5. Strong partnerships or positive relationships with multiple suppliers and manufacturers

If a roofing contractor can show these different skills and provide the proper information when necessary, they can most definitely expect a higher return rate and wins on their proposals bid.

If looking for a great contractor in the Northern Illinois area, please reach out to us (Pinkston-Tadd, Inc.) for your commercial and industrial needs. (815) 756-9700 – Call today for a FREE survey and estimate.

We are a level 1 roofing contractor in the State of Illinois, fully licensed, bonded and insured. Approved to install all the major manufacturer products as well.


Other sources for this publication include:

Recent Client Review



Recent Recommendation from a Satisfied Client:

When it was time for a new flat roof on our 25,000 sf production facility, out of 5 contractors who bid on our project, we decided to go with Pinkston-Tadd, Inc. mainly because unlike most contractors they did not try to push(sell) any specific type of roof or material, they gave us all available roof types and material options – explained in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each type of roof and material. Additionally, they had very competitive pricing and they were very professional, cooperative and addressed all of our concerns quickly and efficiently. They planned every detail from ordering the correct materials, color matching to our other building, hoisting everything necessary safely and with minimal disruptions to near by traffic, to correcting existing flaws with our roof penetrations, sky lights and even clean-up. Considering that the weather threw a couple of curve balls they finished the project couple of days ahead of schedule and on budget. In my 10 years in construction and 10 years in manufacturing environment I can easily say it’s not often that a construction project goes this smooth.

It’s been few months since they installed our roof and we are very happy with the work they did, they did it right the first time and did not have to come back even once.

I would definitely recommend Pinkston-Tadd, Inc. to anyone looking for a great roofing company.



Chris Klosek, Engineering

Marian Chicago, Inc.

How to Create More Productive Work Days – 12 Steps


It seems like everyone is always wishing for more hours in their day. Think about how often you’ve said something along the lines of, “If only there were 26 hours in the day, then I could get everything done.” Well, we can’t control how many hours are in a day or wish the day longer. Why is it then that some people seem to accomplish more than you do?

 We all have the same 24 hours in the day to accomplish our goals. The difference is how you utilize you time. Successful, productive people understand the importance of using every minute of their day efficiently. This is key to getting more done during the day.
These 12 simple tricks will help you become a more productive you:
1. Exercise in the morning. Exercising is one of the things that seems to get pushed to the wayside as you get older. This is why setting aside time to work out in the morning, before the kids are awake or your work day starts, is the perfect solution. Not only is regular exercise good for your health, but it’s also be shown to increase focus, productivity and is linked to a better mood. Try it one morning and see how much better you feel throughout the day.
2. Write down your to-do list daily. Planning out your daily tasks gives your mind a map of what it needs to focus on for the day. Prioritizing your tasks is important as well, so pull out your priority actions for the day from your list of tasks. These are the things that must get done. At the end of the day, you can gauge what you’ve accomplished. Also consider the value that you added to your workplace from accomplishing your tasks. Not only does this make you feel more productive, but helps you feel like you are working with a purpose.
3. Set up a system. Find how you work best and make it a system. Organizing your time during the day is a great way to do this. Layout your day by devoting certain blocks of time to certain things. Something that I’ve found helpful is creating focus days and buffer days. Focus days are for concentrating on your priority tasks, your big goals for the week. Buffer days can still include daily tasks, but can be used for other things aren’t necessarily daily tasks. For example, I meet with my leadership team on buffer days and focus on aspects of running the business, as opposed to meeting with clients.
4. Close your door. Don’t be afraid to schedule blocks of uninterrupted time for yourself. Make others aware of this also. A study by Microsoft researchers found that it can take the brain up to 15 minutes to refocus on the task at hand after your attention has been turned elsewhere. This is why making sure you have time where you can focus solely on the task at hand, without threat of interruption, is key to increasing productivity.
5. Put your phone away. Thanks to technology, we’re now constantly connected to our social groups, whether it be through social media, text or phone call. But these are also large distractions during the work day. That’s not to say that you can’t answer a text or take a phone call, but specify blocks of times where you put your phone away and don’t answer it. Remember that saying “out of sight, out of mind?” If your phone is out of site, you won’t be thinking about what your friend is posting on Facebook or itching to answer incoming text messages.
6. Focus on one thing at a time. You have to accomplish more than one thing in a day to be productive, but trying to focus on more than one thing at a time can actually hurt your productivity, as was found in a study by the American Psychological Association. How many times have you been talking to a co-worker while trying to type an email, and realized that you actually didn’t hear anything they said to you? Now magnify that effect for larger projects. As the study points out, we’re not designed for heavy-duty multitasking.
7. Say no when you have to. Helping your co-workers boosts a healthy workplace morale. However, taking on work from others to help them detracts from the priority tasks that you have to accomplish for the day. It can be hard to do, but saying no is critical for preserving your level of productivity. Also, if you can’t give something extra your best work and full attention, your help could actually be less helpful than you planned.
8. Eat lunch away from your desk. Even though interruptions can affect productivity, it’s also been shown that stepping away from your work for a short amount of time can be helpful for rejuvenating your mind. Rather than always working through your lunch and eating at your desk, use it as an opportunity to step away from your work and clear your mind, even if it’s only for 30 minutes. It’s hard to be constantly firing on all cylinders for eight or more hours at a time.
9. Sleep. Getting enough sleep at night is key to high levels of productivity. A lack of sleep can cause your mind to feel cloudy, and can even affect your general well-being. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Are you getting enough? Try to find a routine at night, like going into your room at the same time every night or reading before bed.
10. Keep a clean inbox. When you open your email and see 100 messages sitting in your inbox, it can immediately induce anxiety. It can also cause important messages to get lost in the clutter. Delete emails that you don’t need. Make folders and file emails accordingly once you’ve responded to them. A clutter-free inbox is the first step to a clutter-free mind.
11. Make your time valuable. Don’t fill your day with unnecessary meetings. Make sure that any meeting on your schedule is truly necessary, that you’re prepared for it and that the objective of why you’re meeting is clear. While there are times when you have to meet in person with people, decide if what you’re discussing can be done through email or on the phone.

12. Leave work at work. There’s always going to be something that didn’t get done. But making work your life isn’t necessarily the healthiest, or most productive, strategy. Be content knowing that you used your time as efficiently as possible during the day, and accomplished your priority tasks. Then go home and enjoy time with your friends, family or doing things that you enjoy. Don’t check your email, don’t answer calls – unless you absolutely have to – and unplug.


Source: Scott Jarred, Jarred Consulting Group. Nov. 15, 2016

Protection from the Top: The Importance of Commercial Roof Cover Maintenance and Repair


The roof is a commercial building’s first line of defense from natural hazards such as wind, rain, fire, hail, ice, snow, and extreme heat. It is also the most vulnerable part of your building. Every day, your roof is exposed to weather and other elements that may contribute to decay and deterioration, increasing the risk of damage to the roof itself and the contents below it.

The International Building Code (IBC), which sets safety standards for commercial building, requires that roofs “serve to protect the building.” Having a roof that “protects the building” starts with design, materials selection, and installation at the time a facility is built or remodeled—events that occur infrequently and may be outside the scope of most businesses’ ongoing activity. But it also includes a regular program of inspection, maintenance, and repair—activities that should be part of your operational planning in order to prolong the useful life of your roof and make sure it does its job in protecting your business from weather damage.

This article focuses on how to identify and address common trouble spots in order to stop problems before they start and fix them before it’s too late.


If it’s been a while since you’ve had your roof inspected, your first priority should be to identify and fix any major problems.

Signs of serious problems may be apparent even from inside the building. Water stains on a ceiling may signal a leak, which can be caused by a crack or hole in the roof. It’s important to understand that even the smallest leak can be a sign of big trouble. Similarly, if the building has unexplained mold or odors inside, this may indicate a roof leak resulting in water penetration. While internal water damage or mold may signal trouble above, it’s also important to visually inspect the roof itself to look for problems that are likely to worsen over time.

Depending on the slope of the roof and the ease of access, inspections sometimes can be done by the building owner, but in many cases, it makes sense to hire a contractor to make sure the job is done safely and correctly. Even if you are hiring a professional, reviewing the problems identified in this article may help you to understand the significance of what he or she has identified and the need for action.


Prolonged standing water (see below) or ponding on the roof can lead to premature aging and deterioration of the cover, which will lead to leaks. Leaks that go undetected can slowly rust steel roof decks, rot wood decks, and turn light weight insulating concrete and gypsum decks into a thick paste like substance. Additionally, excessive standing water can lead to significant additional weight, which can weaken the roof deck.

Bubbles (see below) may indicate trapped moisture within the roof cover, which can lead to leaks, reduce the life span of the cover, speed up premature aging of the deck, and reduce the roof cover system’s effectiveness against uplift forces associated with a windstorm. Another cause of bubbles is the release of gasses from insulation board that gets trapped below the cover. A roof cut or moisture survey of the roof cover (See IBHS’ “Repair, Recover, or Replace the Roof”) can be completed to assist in the diagnosis.

Roof flashing is the strips of metal or other impervious material installed around the perimeter of the roof edge where the roof cover meets the wall. It is also installed around objects (such as rooftop equipment) that protrude from the roof in order to deflect water away from seams and joints. However, a gap in the flashing or roof cover perimeter (see below) greatly increases the potential for roof cover failure during a high wind event and water intrusion or mold. For further information including flashing repairs and replacement guidance, please see IBHS’ resources for “Evaluating Coping and Flashing.”

Tears in the roof cover (see below), or worn or cracking seams, can allow water to enter below the cover.


If there is a lightning protection system (see below), check to see if it is loose or detached as shown below. This can lead to a tear or puncture in the roof covering, especially during strong winds. A lightning protection system that has disconnected metal cables or aerials is no longer capable of providing the intended protection for the building’s occupants.

If there are skylights (see below), they should be checked for securement. Skylights that are not well sealed and secured around the frame’s edge can leak, which may cause the skylights to become dislodged and allow for wind driven rain and debris to enter the building, especially during a high wind event.

Also, over time the plastic domed panels can become brittle and very susceptible to cracks.


The best way to avoid roof-related problems and strengthen weather resistance is through regular care and preventive maintenance. Proper maintenance also prolongs the life of a roof and in many instances will allow for “repair” instead of “replacement” when a problem is identified. The frequency of inspections for routine maintenance depends on several factors, including the age of the roof, recent weather events, rooftop foot traffic, and conditions identified during previous inspections. That said, scheduling inspections every 6 months (fall and spring) is an effective way to make sure they are not sidetracked by the press of other important business.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • All inspections should look for and develop a repair plan for the items that indicate signs of problems described above.
  • After a severe windstorm or hurricane, inspect your roof for damage, as repeated storms can reduce the strength of the roof. Even if the roof survived a storm, it may have been damaged or weakened enough to fail during the next storm, or the one after that.
  • Inspections should look for signs of previous leaks or other problems to make sure that repairs have stayed intact.
  • Remove any loose objects and accumulated debris. A clean roof eliminates leaves and other materials that have a tendency to hold moisture, which can speed up the deterioration of the roofing materials. In dry areas, keeping the roof clear of debris reduces the risk that embers from a wildfire will ignite the roof.
  • Keep trees trimmed. This prevents branches from rubbing against the roof and leaves from accumulating on the roof and clogging drains and gutters.
  • Check gutters and downspouts for leaves, twigs and other debris that will inhibit proper drainage.
  • If located in a hurricane prone area, check if the gutters include gutter straps designed to resist uplift.
  • Inspect rooftop vents and equipment to make sure they are well sealed. Seal any gaps with flashing cement. Replacement may be necessary if the metal flashing is badly deteriorated, or if vents can wiggle back and forth.
  • After a hail event with hail stones larger than ¾ inch, contact your insurer and have the roof inspected even if you are not aware of any damage.
  • Consulting a professional roofing contractor may be helpful if concerns exist after a maintenance review of the roof. The contractor can also help to determine the health of the roof, estimate the remaining life of the roof, help you develop a maintenance plan, and identify additional steps to protect the roof.

The following are some things to consider when hiring a roofing contractor:

  • Look for established, licensed or bonded professionals.
  • Obtain several bids for services.
  • Ask for and check references that specifically include other commercial buildings in your area.
  • Ask to see certificates of insurance. Make sure that coverage for liability and workers’ compensation insurance is current.
  • Contact your local Better Business Bureau to check for complaints filed against the inspector.
  • Make sure the bid clearly defines the work that will be done, including hauling away of debris and grounds cleanup.
  • If your new roof is being installed on an existing building, make sure that the deck is checked out for water soaked or deteriorated material; have damaged material replaced as part of the contract.
  • Discuss, verify, and receive in writing the warranty information. Confirm what is and what is not covered. Keep copies of all warranties and a record of work performed to assist in future inspections, maintenance, and repairs.

A properly maintained roof is necessary to protect your building and the business conducted within it. Remember that a little maintenance can result in a lot of savings, especially when compared to the cost of damage from a small, undetected leak or a catastrophic roof failure. DOWNLOAD the article here.


Source:  Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.



Unforeseen roofing issues can have a huge impact upon your business and can cost you a significant amount of money and time.

One of the most discussed topics on our website is proactive preventative measures, simply because this is the best course of action for professional commercial organisations.

In this article I have included the 10 most common industrial roofing problems to look out for and what you can do to prevent them.

Understanding the impact that these industrial roofing problems may have on your roof, and how to avoid them, could save you a lot of money, time, and minimise any downtime due to inaccessibility.

Top 10 most common industrial roofing problems

1 – Poor maintenance

Poor maintenance is possibly the most common topic we discuss on our website, and that’s because it’s the main source of problems for industrial and commercial roofs. The most frustrating aspect of poor maintenance is that it’s really simple to put preventative measures in place.

As far as we are concerned there aren’t any really good excuses for poor maintenance, especially when industrial roofing contractors just like us offer planned preventative maintenance programs.

2 – Winter & extreme weather

Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do to prevent the winter and extreme weather. However, there are things you can do to minimize the impact these conditions will have on your roof.

In summary, the main conditions you will want to keep an eye out for are:

  • Extreme temperature changes – this can result in melting ice and snow, which in turn creates a lot of water, which can lead to water ingress and overflowing guttering
  • Extreme wind – can result in loosening of roofing materials and collection of debris, leading to leakages and overflowing guttering
  • Heavy rain and snow – if your roof is already in a poor state of maintenance heavy rain and snow fall can lead to severe water ingress

The key to preventing problems and preparing for the winter is to organise regular roof inspections to ensure your roof can deal with the most extreme circumstances. It is also important to make sure that visual checks take place immediately after extreme weather conditions.

3 – Lack of gutter cleaning

As with most gutter and roofing problems that we come across it’s quite easy to prevent them with roof inspections and planned preventative maintenance. However, most people don’t fix things until they are broken or until there is no other option.

Throughout the year, and especially in the winter time, your gutters become a source of concern for roofing maintenance. The wind, rain and extreme weather conditions result in leaves, branches, stones, dirt and debris being washed into your guttering, which will block and choke your gutters.

The best course of action is regular cleaning and inspection of your guttering. However, over time as your gutters go unchecked with a lack of ongoing maintenance, instead of a simple clean and inspection you can expect more relatively expensive repairs and in extreme cases a full gutter replacement.

4 – Leaks and water ingress

Water leakage is a very strong indicator of a need for roof replacement or repair. Generally, water leakage and damp areas within the roofing area are caused by missing or damaged roofing materials. On the ceilings and walls look out for damps spots and discolouring, which is likely to be early signs of water ingress and is usually a result of a roofing issue.

As soon as this is spotted it’s absolutely critical to contact your industrial roofing contractor.

5 – Seagulls and birds

For commercial property owners and tenants, seagulls can be a headache, causing many challenges and problems including:

  • Picking at roofing materials
  • Debris from nesting including sticks and branches
  • Noise
  • Swooping
  • A mess from droppings

Their nests and debris can also restrict the flow of water on your roof causing overflow issues and increase risk of water ingress.

If your property is prone to attracting seagulls, the key is to prevent seagulls landing on your roof all together.

6 – Asbestos

As the concern for asbestos roofing increases it’s ever more important to ensure that you know what you are dealing with. As soon as asbestos is mentioned it usually strikes fear into people due to the known extreme health dangers associated with it.

If you think asbestos containing materials are present, but you don’t have a record of the location, the best course of action is to arrange a roof survey and inspection.

If you are unsure about anything it’s important to not disturb your roof and get professional help.

7 – Standing or ponding water

Ponds of water on your roof can be a sign of a build up of debris or an indication that the drainage is inadequate or blocked.

Left without inspection this can lead to water ingress and gutter overflowing.

8 – Poor installation and workmanship

One of the issues we come across quite frequently is where a previous contractor has attempted to repair a job but it has been performed incorrectly.

Unfortunately this can result in a full roof replacement and even more expense and upset for you and your business.

9 – Damaged rooflights

When we are called out for a commercial or industrial roofing issue the problem is typically due to defective and damaged rooflights.

Although the estimated tenure of a rooflight is 20-30 years, they become fragile between 15-20 years. This is mainly due to the UV light attacking the outer layer of the roof light.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the main reason rooflights don’t last as long as they should is because a regular maintenance and inspection programme is not in place.

Look out for:

  • Discoloring
  • Brittleness and tearing
  • Loose fittings and fixtures
  • Water ingress

10 – Build up of debris

Over time due to wind, rain and nesting birds debris will collect on your roof. This may include leaves, sticks, branches and small stones.

As this collects and builds up on your roof it can lead to the restriction of the flow of water.

Clearing your roof of dirt and debris will ensure the proper draining of water.

The all-in-one solution: Preventative maintenance

If you’ve read this far there should be no doubt in your mind that the recommended method of prevention is found in taking proactive preventative measures. This could be in the form of scheduled roofing inspections and/or a full planned preventative maintenance programme.

A proactive approach to roofing maintenance can save you money, time and reduce the risk of a premature roof replacement.


Source: Jamie Morton, Industrial Roofing Scotland

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(815) 756-9700